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"The Mudd Club are my latest ‘Greatest Band In The History of the World Ever!’ and are young, dumb and full of fun!"
-Ged Babey, Louder Than WAR

"I cannot get enough of this fantastic garage punk rock getting around lately. Tight and loud. Gimme gimme more. Favorite track: Bored To Death."
jerkbillthecat , Bandcamp



The Mudd Club are the past, present and future of garage rock’n’roll kept simple. It’s an enclosed fantasy world of Happy Days style 50’s retro with a punk-rock sneer and a wink.  Knowing and thrilling, the Mudd Club are escapism as a political act. Trash art that refuses to accept that life is hard and the world is falling apart. 
- also Ged Babey, Louder Than War


Painted Black Arrow
Anchor 1


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© 2019 Sadie Capps. Proudly created with

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